Veritas Support Portal - How to Create, View, and Manage Cases

Article: 100055670
Last Published: 2023-04-19
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Product(s): Backup Exec, Access, Appliances, Data Insight, Desktop Laptop Option, Disaster Recovery Orchestrator, eDiscovery Platform, Enterprise Vault, NetBackup, Resiliency Platform, Risk Advisor, System Recovery, CloudPoint, SaaS Backup, APTARE IT Analytics, Migrate, Merge1, InfoScale & Storage Foundation, NetBackup IT Analytics, Veritas Alta Backup as a Service, Veritas Alta Archiving, Veritas Alta Capture, Veritas Alta eDiscovery, Veritas Alta Surveillance, Veritas Alta SaaS Protection, Veritas Alta Analytics, NetBackup Flex Scale



Welcome to Veritas Support  

Getting Support    

To Access Veritas Customer Support Portal   

How To Create a Case    

To View or Manage a Case    

Managing Users    

Frequently Asked Questions    



Welcome to Veritas Support

Veritas Support is committed to helping you become successful with your Veritas products and services.  We want to provide you with a few resources.



Getting Support 

If you identify a problem with your Veritas product, you can contact Veritas Support via the Support Portal or by phone using the Contact Us page. Once you have contacted Veritas, a Support case will be opened, and you will receive an email acknowledging that Veritas Support has been made aware of your problem. The email will include your case number and important instructions, helpful tools, and resources that will aid in resolving your problem. 

Veritas Technical Support Solutions Handbook

Veritas Support Fundamentals

Contact Us



To Access Veritas Customer Support Portal

             Image 1: Sign in


Image 2: Enter your credentials 



How To Create a Case

  • Click ‘Get Support’ (Image 3).
  • Select ‘Create Case’ to create a new case.
  • Select ‘My Support Cases’ to see cases created previously.

Image 3: Get Support

  • Click on ‘Create Case’ or ‘Start Chat’ which is offered on specific products.

Image 4: Create Case

  • From the ‘Case type’ drop-down, select the case type.
    • For technical support cases, select ‘Technical Support’.
  • From the ‘Severity’ drop-down, select an appropriate severity.
    • For production-down situations, telephone for support.
  • Select the appropriate product, product feature, product platform, and product version.
  • Select ‘Create case’ from the ‘You have the following support options…’ selection (Image 5).

Image 4.1:  Product Information and Create Case

Image 5:  Create case or contact Veritas by phone

  • Complete the following fields – ‘Subject’, ‘Primary Symptom’, ‘Description’, and ‘Environment’ using the ‘Description Tips’ for guidance on what is needed to help to frame and troubleshoot the issue.
  • Click ‘Next’ which is in the lower left-hand section of the screen.

Image 6: Case details

Image 6.1: Case details

  • Based on the issue that has been entered, Knowledge Management articles and/or alerts that may help to resolve the issue will pop up on the screen.
  • If related article does not find a solution for the issue, continue with the case submission by clicking on ‘ Continue Creating Case’ (Image 7)

Image 7: Knowledge Management Articles

  • Select ‘Available entitlements’ from the list.

Image 8: Entitlements

  • Update the ‘CC List’ screen by adding additional email addresses that should receive case updates.
  • Fill in or edit, if previously provided, your ‘Customer contact information’ to include your contact hours, time zone, working days, and contact method by including your email address and contact phone number(s).

Image 9: Customer Contact Information

Note: If any changes are made to the pre-populated ‘Customer contact information’ then the below confirmation popup will appear on the screen. 

  • All future cases: Veritas customer contact Info will get updated based on the changes provided on the portal 
  • Just this case: The Contact working hours on the case will be updated based on the changes provided on the portal

Image 9.1: Customer Contact Information



To View or Manage a Case

  • Click ‘Get Support'.
  • Select ‘My Support Cases’ to see cases created previously.

Image 10: My Support Cases


  • Enter the case number in the ‘Search cases…’ field and drill into the case number. 

Additional filtering options are available to help you manage your cases (Image 12) to bypass filter options).

  • To select a date range filter for case, create dates, add a ‘Start Date’ and ‘End Date’ using the calendar ICON to make your selections (Image 11).

Image 11: Case creation date range filter

  • Using the ‘Status’ field, filter to see cases in a specific status.  Select one of the following menu items: ‘All cases’, ‘Open cases’, ‘Closed’ or other available options.

Image 12: Status filter

  • To filter cases by ‘Ownership’ select one of the following:

    • My cases’ (cases opened by myself), ‘My company cases’ (cases opened by my colleagues), or ‘Cases created on behalf of customers’ (cases created on behalf of customers) (Image 13).

Image 13: Ownership filter

  • To access the case, once the list of existing cases appears, drill into the case number.
  • Once the case is open, the below options and actions will be available:
    • Chat Available’ (Available for specific case types – ‘Partners Only’, ‘General Licensing’, ‘Support Portal Assistance’)
    • Download attachments’ – downloading files via MFT.
    • Upload attachments’ – uploading files via MFT.
    • Update case’ – respond to or add a message for the Technical Support Engineer (TSE) or Customer Care Specialist to action.
    • Print Details’ – allows users to print out the case details.
    • Close Case’ – select the reason for closure from the drop-down menu.

For Technical cases there are two options for closure:

Pending Close’ places the case in a monitoring status for the seven (7) days and if no action is taken the case will be moved to a close status. If, during the seven-day period, the same issue resurfaces, the customer simply emails the case-owner, and the Technical Support Engineer will re-engage to continue the troubleshooting.

Closed’ places a case in a closed status.  A summary of the issue along with the supporting resolution summary and supporting documentation, where available, is provided to the customer. Should the issue not be fully resolved, the case can be reopened for up to 14 days from being placed in this status. To reopen the case, click on the ‘Reopen Case’ Button and select the reason for reopening the case in the pop-up window (Image 14 and image 14.1).  Click ‘Submit’ and the case will be reopened and assigned to a Technical Support Engineer to continue the troubleshooting1.

Image 14: Reopen the Case

Image 14.1: Reason for Reopening on Support Portal

1Non-Technical cases, once closed, cannot be re-opened.  If additional non-technical support is required, a new case can be created.



Managing Users

Veritas Entitlement Management System (VEMS) web portal contains your organization's Veritas entitlements and is where authorized users who have access to the Veritas Support Portal are managed.  

As you have been granted administrator rights to your organization, please take a few minutes to log in and familiarize yourself with the site. VEMS can be accessed through the Veritas Support Portal by selecting ‘Licensing’



Frequently Asked Questions 

Q: Can I share cases with my colleagues?

A: Case visibility on the portal is determined by the case contact’s org on the case. You can filter ‘Ownership’ by ‘My company’s cases’ and view all the cases associated with your organization’s account. Contacts that are not part of your organization will not be able to view cases for your organization. While you can view cases for your entire organization, the ability to close cases on the support website is limited to the contact who created the case.

Q: I am a Veritas Authorized Partner.  How can I view cases that I have created on behalf of my customers?

A: Partners will be able to see cases they created on behalf of customers by filtering on ‘Cases created on behalf of customers’ under ‘Ownership’.

Q: I’m a customer.  How can I view cases that a partner created for me? 

A: Customers will be able to see cases that partners created on their behalf by filtering “Ownership” by “Cases created for me by partners”. These cases will be read only for the customer and any updates or changes to the case can be made by the partner who created it.

Q: I can’t see my cases on the support website:

A: Check the email address you are using to login to your account.  Do you have more than one email address setup for logging into our website? If needed, support staff can help verify that your email address matches the account we have your cases associated with.

Q: If I change my primary Account ID, will I still have access to my closed cases under the old Account ID?

A: It depends.  It’s important to know that a contact record can be associated with multiple accounts.  If Veritas adds you to a new account, you’ll see all the cases associated with that new account under the ‘My company’s cases’ view.  If your contact record has not changed and remains associated with the old Account ID, you will be able to see the cases you created (no matter what the status is) that are still associated with the old Account ID.

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